Game On

Start date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2020-07-30
Location: Sweden, Estonia, Spain, Greece
"Very fun and interesting that we played and learned at the same time"
- Participant in Awesome Peoples Entrepreneurship Weekend where we played our developed games about entrepreneurship
To develop innovative board game-based methods that promote entrepreneurship education and develop entrepreneurial skills of young people, through co-creating, testing, and disseminating new educational board games.
To explore game-based learning and the use of board game mechanics applicable to entrepreneurship education of young people.
To design, test, and promote 4 educational board games developing entrepreneurial competencies of young people.
To promote game-based learning and the use of board games among educators through training them in using the innovative methodology.
To strengthen cooperation between youth organizations and educational institutions for joint development of entrepreneurship education.
To increase the operational capacity of partner organizations in delivering quality entrepreneurship education services to young people and educators.
To develop young people’s entrepreneurial competencies by the means of using educational board games.
More information and download games at www.gameonyouth.info